Eat Me.

Anything you can do we can do vegan.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Time It.

I have really fallen off the blogging bandwagon recently. Can it be because I have no time left to do anything? I think in one of my previous posts I mentioned something about it "All working out!" and well... it is, but isn't. I only have 4 bike hats left on my Etsy shop, two at Renegade, and all the while the temperature is dropping and I have only made one trial winter hat so far. (Disaster... anyone know how to sew up old sweaters without them stretching all over the crazy place?) And the other things I have been meaning to do, like buying travel insurance and getting a new pair of shoes, have been on the to-do list for MONTHS now.

Foodwise what I have been up to is eating scads of Honeycrisp apples and have finally almost used up the twenty-odd pounds of apples my grandmother brought from her tree in Iowa. I have about six left for Amos to make into applesauce. Did I mention I ate apple cobbler for breakfast today?

We also went to the Renegade Handmade Craft Fair - which was unfortunately nearly rained out... (As was the Green City Market that weekend - I felt like we were lost at sea...). My new favorite things from the craft fair are:

Jo Clothing (especially the underwear!)
Dearest Inez (why is there nothing on her etsy shop?! I got the cutest re-fashioned t-shirt ever!)
Sofia Masri

Plus I purchased a sticker proclaiming "I have a zombie escape plan." Like a bumper sticker, but for my bike. That I haven't had time to put on yet.

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